About PCA’s Grand Prix Region

Welcome to the Porsche Club of America Grand Prix Region website!

If you are passionate about your Porsche…and would like to fully enjoy the experience of owning this fantastic precision driving machine, we would like to start by telling you a little about us.

The Grand Prix Region (GPX) is one of the 147 regions that make up the Porsche Club of America (PCA) which is one of fifteen regions in Zone 8. No matter where you find yourself in the United States and Canada you are likely to find a Porsche Club of America Region event going on. You can always consider planning your holidays accordingly just for the fun of it.

Geographical Area — We are a region with about 700 members and received our club charter in 1981. Our geographical area covers the Los Angeles area bound by the I-710 on the west, I-5 on the east, and the Orange County line on the South.

Event Emphasis of Grand Prix Region

The attraction to join GPX are our numerous activities and our friendly and diverse philosophy which has for many years represented our membership. Our members whose combined love of Porsches is a common thread throughout the club that ties us together. Our Region was formed to promote driving events so that the members are able to learn to enjoy their Porsches the way they were intended to be enjoyed and driven. Each year the Grand Prix Region organizes many car events including Driving Tours, on track education and an annual Concours d’ Elegance, a show of Porsches where cars are prepared for judging for cleanliness and preparedness in various classes towards awards from the Region and the end of the year Zone Trophies.

Grand Prix Region Electrified
More than 40 Years of Porsche Passion

Monthly Breakfast Meetings

“Day Away From Work” DE

GPX loves to socialize as much as compete and we are always looking for ways to do so and to take time to get together with events such as our yearly New Members BBQ including everyone at one of our member’s homes, and we love to celebrate at our annual Holiday Party. We also have our monthly breakfast and social get together the second Saturday of each month. Check The Circuit our magazine and the regular email blasts for all the information about events times and dates.

As we are part of the Porsche Club of America, and Zone 8, with over 145,000 members, our region members join with other regions in events such as Driver’s Education, Club Racing, and Autocross. We also participate in national PCA events like Treffen North America, which is a getaway weekend to different areas of the country offered several times a year, and the annual PCA National Porsche Parade, that occurs every summer so families can enjoy a family holiday. Parade is the Porsche Club of America’s annual convention where members come together for a variety of events including social and competitive events.

At times GPX will host a “Tech Session”. The Tech Sessions usually provide an increased knowledge of Porsche repair, knowledge and maintenance. On occasion we will host tech sessions that is not related to Porsches, but the session provides technical knowledge of machinery we often see and wonder “How does that really work?”. Our past Tech Session to LA Helicopter is just one example.

Well that’s a little about us. How about contacting us through this website so we can get to know you better? You can also contact any of our Board Members.

GPX truly believes that “It’s not Just the Cars, it’s the People.” So come join us at an event or two…and enjoy the fun! Please don’t be shy we promise to do out best to welcome you.

Annual Holiday Party

Zone 8’s Festival of Speed

Grand Prix Region’s Objectives

The Members of Grand Prix Region are joined together and are mutually pledged to the furtherance and promotion of the following:

  1. The highest standards of courtesy and safety on the roads.
  2. The enjoyment and sharing of good will and fellowship engendered by owning a Porsche and engaging in such social and other events as may be agreeable to the Membership.
  3. The maintenance of the highest standards of operation and performance of the marque by sharing and exchanging technical and mechanical information.
  4. The establishment and maintenance of mutually beneficial relationships with the Porsche Works, Porsche dealers and service sources to the end that the marque shall prosper and continue to enjoy its unique leadership and position in sports car history.
  5. The interchange of ideas and suggestions with other Porsche Clubs throughout the world and in such cooperation as may be desirable.
  6. The establishment of such mutually cooperative relationships as may be desirable with other Sports Car Clubs.
  7. Mutual cooperation with Porsche Club of America, Inc., and with other regions of PCA.

Grand Prix Region’s Social Media