
Looking to buy a Porsche…or sell your Porsche…buy or sell Porsche parts?
Check out the classifieds from PCA’s “The Mart” and our surrounding Regions.

1987 Porsche 911 (Carrera) Coupe — $69,000

Black on black. Very well maintained with service records available. Recently installed with new catalytic converter and new clutch, new flywheel, upgraded parts. Has G50 transmission with upgrade kit. Fuchs wheels (7″ front and 8″ rear). Many other nice features…and FUN to DRIVE.

Seriously inquiries only.

Contact: Ron Shanon
(310) 968-2620 or
(posted: 06/19/2024)

Porsche Dealer Aftersales Calendars — $100 / Each

Rare New Porsche Dealer Aftersales Calendars
13 Month Calendar
10 different years, full-color

Size: 23″ x 22″
Price: $100 each or $1,000 for all ten (10).

Contact: Mike Smith
(562) 533-3929, or
(posted: 11/23/2024)

2002 Mazda Miata, Street Legal — $11,500

Street Legal and track ready. Flying Miata suspension, 949 Racing rims, R1R tires, Hard Dog roll bar, Sparco seats, 5-point harnesses, original rims and seats, etc., etc.

Milage: 101K

Contact: Dan Stern
(310) 408-2875 or
(posted: 01/06/2025)

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Online Classifieds

Online Classifieds will run for 90 days unless you notify us via email to stop. If you want to update or remove your ad, email with your name and the title of your ad. Currently this is a MANUAL PROCESS.
Note: You will not see your ad online until after we verify the information and resize the images.

Classified Ad Costs

• PCA Member : FREE

• Non-PCA Member : $5.00 per ad (No dealers please!)

Classified Ad Details

All ads are subject to editing. If you want to update or remove your ad, email with your name and the title of your ad.