What is a Time Trial?

At first glance, a Time Trial looks a lot like a DE (Driver Education). This is because most of the event is a DE. A Time Trial is an addition to a DE event, where the format of the last run session is run differently to allow each driver to be timed. This last session gives the event an optional competitive aspect and all the fun and camaraderie that goes along with it. (Note the word “optional,” drivers may choose not to participate in the last session.) You think you are fast? Here is your chance to prove it!

Think You’re Fast? Here is Your Chance to Prove It!

So a Time Trial is a DE with a little bit extra at the end. Please note that the competitive nature of this is, like Autocross, against the clock. It is not wheel to wheel racing, even though the DE sessions may give that appearance.

As with Driver Education, your car must meet the requirements set in the Zone rules and must pass a technical inspection. Having your car checked out prior to the event at an authorized inspection station is strongly recommended. This is critical as your safety and the safety of those around you are paramount to PCA.