Grand Prix Region Calendar

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Come Show Off Your Porsche in Its Most Perfect Condition

In simple terms, a Concours is a car show. The idea is to show your car in its most perfect condition (usually cleanliness and like new condition.) In general, each car starts out perfect and as the judge finds something amiss, points are deducted. The cars typically displayed by category and trophies are awarded to the highest scores.

Full Preparation — For the more serious competitors there is Full preparation. “Full” means every aspect of your car will be examined: interior, exterior, trunk, engine, and under chassis — front and rear. They’ll look at everything, from your spare tools to the jack. Nothing will go untouched.

Display Only — On the other end of the spectrum is the “Display Only” category for those that simply want to participate in the car show. The cars are there just to be displayed and are not usually eligible for any trophies.

Join the Club. Join the Fun!

To see what events we have planned, check out the GPX Events Calendar. Join us at an event or two…and join in on the fun! “It’s Not Just the Cars, It’s the People.”

See What You Missed

If you weren’t able to join us at a recent Grand Prix Region event…see what you missed by checking out our Flickr account.

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